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Paul Solecki's Web Site


I'm a musician living in Munich. I play mandolin with the Paul Daly Band, bass in The Bottles, and occasionally I play on my own or as a duo with Phil Newton or Kaspar von Braun. I record music as well, do you need anything recorded?

On the first day of every month, I release a new single on your favorite music streaming service. You can listen to them all here through the magic of you tube. These are mostly new songs, but re-recordings of old classics could pop up too. Possible album to follow... Here's a link to my music on Spotify, which seems to be the most popular thing these days.

A new song called That's Where To Look For Me was be released on the first of July 2024:

More soon, as always! I've redesigned the site again, thanks to this article by Derek Sivers. If you'd like to get in touch, it's paul at paulsolecki (dot} com.